These Celebrities And Their Children Look So Incredibly Similar

Published on 03/29/2020

Lionel Richie – Miles Richie (In Their Twenties)

Miles Richie bears a striking resemblance to his father, Lionel Richie, especially in their twenties. With their shared sense of style and laid-back charm, Miles inherited his father’s charisma and musical talent, carving out his own path as a musician and model.

Lionel Richie Miles Richie

Lionel Richie Miles Richie


Ozzy Osbourne – Jack Osbourne (In Their Thirties)

Jack Osbourne shares a strong resemblance to his rockstar father, Ozzy Osbourne, especially in their thirties. With their shared love for music and adventurous spirit, Jack inherited his father’s rockstar genes, gaining recognition as a television personality and entrepreneur.

Ozzy Osbourne Jack Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne Jack Osbourne