Gross Foods Only Baby Boomers Still Think Are Cool

Published on 06/15/2021

Limburger Cheese

How can you have Boomers supporting a cheese that smells that bad? Bacteria that create odor is compared to smelly feet. This cheese is an abomination in the eyes of the gods. Fine, it was over-the-top. So who liked the cheese? We do not know how Boomer’s stomachs can digest things that are not in pudding form. Millennials’ low-smell tolerance prevents them from finishing this cheese-and-sour-vinegar meal.

Limburger Cheese

Limburger Cheese


Shepherd’s Pie

We’re getting chicken pot pie flashbacks… It’s terrible to use ground meat as a base for pie. There is only one main element to the recipe, and that is flavorful. When you combine ingredients in a broth, you extract all the nutrients. Because we cannot identify the ingredients, the meals in this “pie” are best treated as separate foods. Do not always combine, blend, and bake everything. When items are given care during the cooking process, some things become terrible.

Shepherd's Pie

Shepherd’s Pie