As a high school student, deciding where to go to college will likely be the biggest decision you have made in your life thus far. Which college you attend can shape the rest of your life, both career-wise and socially. Some universities have more to offer than others, but for some people, more options aren’t always a good thing. There is a perfect university for everyone; you just have to do your research and find the right school for your preferences.

How To Find The Right University For You
Decide What General Location You Want
Do you want to be located in a big city or a small college town? These two dynamics could not be more different from one another. Going to school in a big city opens many doors for internships, part-time jobs, ease of transportation to go home or travel for a weekend, and entertainment outside of your campus. On the other hand, attending a university that is located in a small “college town” will provide many different positives. You will get the true feel for a campus and college dorm life- one that you might still get in a big city, but in a different way- and you will likely have a much different experience than you had growing up, depending on where you are from. Some people love being in a big city, some feel like it’s not the true college vibe.
Can They Off You A Scholarship?
Everyone in the world knows how insane costs of college in the United States can be, which is why it is crucial for most people to look into whether or not you can qualify for any type of scholarship at the school you want to attend. Many people are either paying for school on their own by way of taking out loans or are juggling part-time jobs trying to make ends meet. This is way more common than you would ever think. Don’t be shy to ask about scholarship opportunities; whether they are need-based or merit-based, every dollar can make a difference when you need a bit of help getting through school.
Make Sure They Offer The Program You Want To Study
Of course, this is a big one. Why attend a university if they don’t have what you want? Even further, if they do have the program, make sure it is suitable for you. For example, an education degree looks different at every school; make sure that the courses and expectations are exactly what you’re looking for. Courses and the quality of the program will make or break your college experience; after all, studies are what you’re going to college for in the first place!