Sara Rue
Sara Rue is most well known for starring in Popular. She was also a hostess on Shedding for the Wedding, the popular TV show; and, she was in the movie Less Than Perfect. By developing a customized weight loss program that included both dietary restrictions and intense exercise, she decided to lose the weight she had accumulated over time. Since it is not as extreme as others, the diet became popular. She lost just over 50 pounds, but due to the pressures on young women in America, she did not draw attention to the scale.

Sara Rue
Rex Ryan
The former Jets head coach appears to love controversy. Have you ever seen his rather vulgar press conferences or those videos of foot fetishes? Anyway, moving on, thanks to his waistline instead of that big mouth on him, he earned the attention of the spotlight in 2012. Rex weighed 348 lbs, but losing 100 lbs caused him to get a Lap-Band procedure. Rex Ryan later admitted that he had a gastric sleeve by 2010. He also told Men’s Health that he had tried to follow many diet plans, but none seemed to be working for him.

Rex Ryan