International C120 Utility Fire Truck
Seeing truck fans who send old units all the TLC they need is always awesome. This is a Fire Truck International C120 Utility. This is the model, as far as we know, which came out either in 1961 or 1962. This vehicle originated from the Travelette cab edition and was AWD. It is at the LIRR Station in Southampton now.

International C120 Utility Fire Truck
Dodge Power Wagon
The Dodge Power Wagon expended a lot of manufacturing time there. In particular, from 1945 to 1981, it was on the production side. It made a return in 2005. Yep, it is always likely, if you are so inclined, to bring a new one home with you. Only be conscious of the reintroduction of it under a new name: the Dodge Room.

Dodge Power Wagon