test Mother Can’t Believe What She Saw After She Received This Photo Of Her Kid From The Babysitter

Published on 09/27/2021

Hands-Free Technique

She went to her page on Facebook and shared her niece’s photo and the “hands-free” method. In the caption, she explained what happened in the image. She explained the situation and said, “So I had to run out the house for a quick minute.” She continued, “So I asked my niece to babysit Baby Ava. A few minutes later, I received a text saying that J’Ann wanted to make a sandwich but didn’t want to let baby Ava out of her sight. Lord send help this was her solution. Like really, creativity at its finest.” Claudia posted the image, and the reactions and comments were flooding in.

Hands-Free Technique

Hands-Free Technique


Something Unexpected

Claudia went on to her meeting after having shared the photo on her social media. Her whole family would have reacted to the picture. She revealed flippantly that “every month there’s a birthday party.” She couldn’t wait to read what her family thought about the funny idea of her niece. She knew that her friends and family would laugh about it, but when she finally checked her account a few hours later, she was greeted by something else.

Something Unexpected

Something Unexpected