Melissa Gilbert – Little House On The Prairie
Actress Melissa Gilbert became famous for starring in Little House on the Prairie back in the mid-70s. Until she got older, she continued acting, and people got the opportunity to see how her looks changed as the years passed. Fortunately, with naturally flawless skin, they blessed her. This is why, even when she isn’t wearing any makeup, she looks stunning. She looks so youthful that it’s so hard to believe she’s 55 years old already. Gilbert had a part in a new movie called When We Last Spoke in 2019.

Melissa Gilbert Little House On The Prairie
Katie Holmes – Dawson’s Creek
From girl-next-door, Katie Holmes evolved into a sophisticated Hollywood A-lister, with studios howling to invest in her next project. However, this candid photo of Katie taken on Mania Days’ set in 2013 was enough to make studios pause. Thankfully, it was only a brief hiatus, and Katie returned to her glamorous self in time for the premiere of The Tick in New York in 2017.

Katie Holmes Dawson’s Creek