Anna Kendrick – Pitch Perfect
The song Cups comes to mind every time we see actress Anna Kendrick, and we see her working that audition in the film Pitch Perfect! We can’t deny that we like Anna better when she isn’t wearing makeup. Not that she doesn’t look stunning in makeup, but she has such a childlike innocence in her eyes when she isn’t wearing mascara, and she doesn’t appear as serious. And we like her for being goofy and having a good sense of humor!

Anna Kendrick Pitch Perfect
Nicole Kidman – Moulin Rouge
We always find something soft in Nicole Kidman’s eyes, regardless of whether her character is evil or nice. We think she’s stunning whether she’s wearing makeup or not. Can you believe this stunning film and television actress is turning 51 this year? We’re not going to be able to do it! Even though she admitted to using Botox, we still think she looks stunning.

Nicole Kidman Moulin Rouge