After 17 Years Of Being Missing Concerned Wife Finds Husband Alive, Learns His Secrets

Published on 09/12/2023

Crazy Demands

Jacob agreed to the divorce, but he had unreasonable demands. He desired the home Leslie had purchased for herself and her son. He wanted a stake in her business. And he demanded half of her money. He also demanded alimony and full custody of their son, despite the fact that he was already 18. Leslie was enraged.

Crazy Demands

Crazy Demands


No Way

She told Jacob that if he wanted any of those things, he would have to go to court and demand them. She’d already discussed it with her lawyer, and she was confident she’d be able to fight it. And that was exactly what she intended to do. If Jacob desired any of those items, he would have to demonstrate that he deserved them.

No Way

No Way