After 17 Years Of Being Missing Concerned Wife Finds Husband Alive, Learns His Secrets

Published on 09/12/2023

Needing Freedom

Leslie hadn’t been in a romantic relationship in 17 years. She hadn’t gone out or made any new friends. All she did was wait by the door for her husband to run into her waiting arms. She couldn’t do it any longer. She needed her freedom, and she knew she wouldn’t get it as long as she held on to the ghosts of her past.

Needing Freedom

Needing Freedom


Holding On

Every day, she reflected on it. Leslie was clinging to a marriage that had ended years before. She loved Jacob with all of her heart, but she knew she’d never see him again. It was a pipe dream that would never be realized, and it was time to let it go. She knew exactly what she had to do.

Holding On

Holding On