Man Sees His Baby For The First Time And Decided To Stop The Wedding

Published on 05/09/2023

The Number

The doctor showed a confused look during their appointment. He was well aware of what in-vitro was, but soemthing was not making sense. He questioned whether they were sure only two embryos were transferred- the couple said yes. They were told that the procedure was a success. The pair were ecstatic. However, the doctor had more news. It would soon be understood why he kept questioning the number of embryos.

The Number

The Number



The Honduran doctor showed Rachel and Aaron their ultrasound, it all made sense. Rachel was pregnant with three babies! The couple was about to have triplets, they would soon be a family of 7. As happy as they were, they were still in shock. However, they saw it as a sign from God. Aaron and Rachel both wanted a big family, their wish would soon come true.

