Young Boy Remembers Thrilling Details Of His Past Life, Then He Proves He Was Reincarnated

Published on 05/09/2021

Directing Motion Pictures

Ryan told his mother, Cyndi, that he wanted to “go home, I hate being little.” He was determined that he used to be someone else. Even though Cyndi tried to brush most of it off, Ryan started to reveal more scary details. Cyndi started believing him and knew this was serious. She said. “His stories were so detailed and extensive that it just wasn’t like a child could have made it up. He began describing the intricate details of being on a Hollywood movie set in the 1940s – which is why he was directing “pictures” in his room. They were motion pictures”.

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Directing Motion Pictures


Detailed Memories

Ryan then began speaking about numerous memories he had, he even used the names of famous 1940s actors and actresses. He claimed to have known these people personally. Was he actually reincarnated? Being a Baptist, Cyndi did not believe in reincarnation, so she kept Ryan’s story a secret for a while. But then, when things began to get out of hand, Cyndi wanted to get to the bottom of this and help her son out.

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Detailed Memories