Looking For The Outfit
David questioned why this was the case given that he frequently showed his appreciation for it. However, he didn’t even find the garment in the closet when he was doing laundry on a night when Sara was at work. She wouldn’t have already thrown it away, would she? Or did she store it elsewhere?Another strange thing that David noticed was that Sara seemed to be less and less interested in them doing anything romantic or even being intimate. This had never happened before Sara began working, not even when their financial strain had rendered them practically helpless to do anything but worry.

Looking For The Outfit
Feeling Paranoid
Sara herself attempted to attribute this change to being worn out from work, but David didn’t buy it. In his opinion, it was a simple and straightforward explanation, and his paranoia had long since moved him past the point at which he would have been willing to accept it. Was it possible that she obtained it from a third party? Is it possible that Sara is betraying him?

Feeling Paranoid