It Feels Like The Following NBA Players Have Everything You Could Possibly Want

Published on 05/30/2021

Jason Maxiell

You can’t deny how much love exists between Jason and Brandi Maxiell. She found it hard to manage her health after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2007. It is a good thing that her husband was there to support her through the worst of it. As a matter of fact, he shaved his head to show his love for her! She has since recovered. To celebrate this, they went to Africa for their honeymoon. Aww.

Jason Maxiell

Jason Maxiell


Dan Gadzuric

In 2002, Dan Gadzuric joined the NBA after he was drafted by the Milwaukee Bucks. He and Lisette Gadzuric had been married for a little while. They have two sweet children together, but the union did not last. She decided to keep his last name, however. She was also linked to Anthony Pettis of MMA.

Dan Gadzuric

Dan Gadzuric