Woman Files Divorce After Feeling Sick From Mother-In-Law’s Dish

Published on 09/27/2023

It’s not unusual for people to not get along well with their fiancé’s parents right away. In certain instances, the groom or bride may never form a strong bond with their future spouse’s family. Tracey is now experiencing this identical situation. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst the day before her wedding when she saw her future mother-in-law doing something she could not believe months before to the wedding! What the heck did her fiance’s mother do? Read on to learn more about what her future mother-in-law actually did.

Not Getting Along

Months before her alleged destination wedding in Colombia, Tracey made the decision to write a Reddit post about her strange experience. She claimed that she typically had difficulty agreeing with Gina, her future mother-in-law. What may have caused their connection to develop in this way?

Not Getting Along

Not Getting Along


She Was Caught

Tracey proceeded by saying that no matter what the topic of an argument was, Gina always made sure to come out as the more mature person. Tracey, however, was horrified when she saw what the older woman was doing with her wedding dress. What do you suppose her future mother-in-law was doing with her dress?

She Was Caught

She Was Caught