Researchers Were Shocked To Discover The Planes’ Contents After Searching For Them For Decades

Published on 07/10/2023

A Note On The Door

When Philip returned home from the airport, he discovered a note that had been taped to the door of his apartment. He was curious as to who might have written the note, but there was neither a name nor a stamp on it. Consequently, a personal delivery was required. He takes the letter down from where it was hanging on the door and sits down at the table in the kitchen.

A Note On The Door

A Note On The Door


A Sentence

When Philip opened the note, he noticed right away that he was familiar with the handwriting. It came from the same person who had sent the previous letter claiming to be anonymous. On the other hand, there was just one sentence this time. To ensure that he understood everything that was being said, Philip read the sentence three times.

A Sentence

A Sentence