The Last Supper
There have been lots of depictions of Jesus that are popular across different countries and beliefs, with the most known depiction being the Last Supper. The Last Supper is a painting that showed Jesus having dinner with the 12 disciples. According to Joan Taylor’s study, she said that she had collected evidence that Jesus will never sit on a throne-like He was portrayed in the painting as this was not the life that the Messiah was living during His time.

The Last Supper
The Modern Look
These days, a lot of artists have made improvements on the depictions of Jesus. It was found out that a lot of the original works portraying The Messiah have been altered, which is why a lot of historians have been looking more into the paintings. Due to most of the paintings having a lot of variations but with the same baseline, it led a lot of us to believe that this is how Jesus looked like. According to historians, artists improved their art with each iteration, thus the different portrayals.

The Modern Look