Have You Ever Wondered What Jesus Looked Like? Let’s Find Out

Published on 09/05/2020

An Improved Image And Feature

Jesus became widely known after His death. Even today, He has been used as the subject for thousands of painters. Still, sources say that any knowledge about His appearance is nowhere to be found. How we “see” Him is solely based on the minds of earlier painters, which is where the next generation of painters would base their paintings and improve upon it. They would start by picturing how the image will look when finished, then use their image of Jesus.

An Improved Image And Feature

An Improved Image And Feature


Original Work Of Art

Have you heard about Greek Mythology and their gods? How about Zeus? In case you didn’t know, Zeus was compared to the image of Jesus. Being depicted as someone with long hair is bearded and wears a white robe, which made him look similar to known depictions of Jesus. This is amazing for the image helps us remember him whenever he is mentioned in stories about the Greek myth, which is a great job for the painters for making their different masterpieces but made us feel the same.

Original Work Of Art

Original Work Of Art