These Widely-Known Hollywood Actors Proved To Everyone That Success Can’t Be Measured By Height

Published on 10/26/2020

Mark Wahlberg – 5 feet 8 inches

This actor from Hollywood began a rap collective in the 1990s, and he named it Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. He used to be Calvin Klein’s model before he decided to enter the show business scene. . He played roles in the movies Entourage and Boogie Nights.  He also played as Donny’s younger brother, if you remember New Kids on the Block. The size of Mark is just five feet and eight inches.

Mark Wahlberg – 5 Feet 8 Inches

Mark Wahlberg – 5 Feet 8 Inches

Joaquin Phoenix – 5 feet 8 inches

Who does not even know this man? Perhaps no one! None! Joaquin Phoenix has become so successful due to his film Joker. We could really conclude it really is a must-watch! He proved his acting ability in this film, which won him a Golden Globe Award for the best actor in 2020. Other than being an actor, Joaquin also is a spokesman for Animal Ethical Treatment People.

Joaquin Phoenix – 5 Feet 8 Inches

Joaquin Phoenix – 5 Feet 8 Inches