These Are The Rules That Every Hells Angels Have To Follow

Published on 04/15/2021

It Is A Big Commitment

This is, without a doubt, a significant commitment. This is why Hells Angels members are unable to pursue other hobbies or interests. They probably don’t have time to take cooking classes or join a bowling league in their neighborhood. Their wives and partners must understand that it is a top priority for them as well.

It Is A Big Commitment

It Is A Big Commitment


You Can’t Join If You Are A Law Enforcer

If you believe that a police force member would be ideal for Hells Angels, you may be mistaken. This is not the case at all, as the group has a strict policy on the subject. Cops and correctional officers are not allowed to join the organization! The truth is that anyone with ties to law enforcement will be rejected.

You Can’t Join If You Are A Law Enforcer

You Can’t Join If You Are A Law Enforcer