These Are The Rules That Every Hells Angels Have To Follow

Published on 04/15/2021

It Concludes With A Democratic Vote

The pre-membership rituals and tests come to a conclusion with a vote among the charter members. It’s a fantastic way to demonstrate the brotherhood they have and value. It’s almost a given that if they like you, you’ll get in. If they haven’t warmed up to you, on the other hand, the opposite is true.

It Concludes With A Democratic Vote

It Concludes With A Democratic Vote


You Will First Be A Prospect

You’re already aware that pledges are hazed by fraternities. This is similar to what the Hells Angels do. Prospective members may be required to take on chores that current members dislike. For one thing, they may need to arrive early at a charter meeting to set everything up before the rest of the group arrives.

You Will First Be A Prospect

You Will First Be A Prospect