What They Wore On The First Date
They had spoken on the internet, so they made an appointment to talk. It’s no surprise to you that she was as well. They had been divorced for years. This was her first proper dating in years. She had enough of fortitude. She had no idea what to wear, so she searched her mother’s room for clothing. She selected a top and trousers in the end. Though it was not fashionable, he was not wearing a tuxedo. He was on duty when they departed, so he came in his uniform.
She Could Not Stop Thinking About Him
Upon seeing him, she had no choice but to be a little frightened. Steven was tattooed and bald. He was also a police officer. He had an air of command. She had been on a date in over a decade. She didn’t know how to start. Though he had a rough exterior, she fell in love with him quickly. She was beautiful. They talked a little about lunch. They even helped the buddy!