Here’s A List Of Female Newscasters Driving CNN & MSNBC

Published on 02/04/2021

Christina Macfarlane

In Surrey, Southern England, Christina Macfarlane was born. She graduated from the University of Wales with a BA in English Literature, and then continued her studies at Harvard and finally at the City University of London, where she completed a master’s degree in broadcast journalism in 2008.

Christina Macfarlane

Christina Macfarlane


Alison Kosik

Kosik was born and brought up in Florida. She earned an American University degree with a degree in broadcast journalism after graduating from Nova High School and set her eyes on political persuasion jobs. Her ambitious career ambitions ended up taking her to Corpus Christi, where she did work for a few tiny TV stations as a reporter. She was brought to West Palm Beach to aspire to become an anchor, where she had the chance to enhance her abilities behind the desk. She is now working for CNN as an anchor and business correspondent, covering news about the New York Stock Exchange.

Alison Kosik

Alison Kosik