30+ Foods From China You Should Probably Avoid

Published on 05/17/2022

You must use caution when visiting foreign countries. To begin, some of the new foods you’ll attempt may be strange to your body, resulting in stomach discomfort. Second, some of the meals may be dangerous on their own. In the past, food was tampered with, resulting in a completely new classification. Tourists, be careful! Keep the following foods in mind when visiting China…


In some parts of China, a highly effective insecticide is used. Due to their quick development, it has even been known to cause harvested watermelons to explode. As a result of the insecticide, they become exceedingly poisonous. We strongly recommend buying locally farmed produce to ensure that your food is fresh and safe to eat.




Apple Juice

China is one of the top three manufacturers of apple juice in the world. It does, however, contain the greatest pesticide concentrations. Proceed with caution because the apple juice they sell may contain sugar as well as dangerous pesticides.

Apple Juice

Apple Juice