Do Not Be Surprised To Find These Strange Things At European Grocery Stores

Published on 07/26/2021

Not Your Typical Sugar Daddy

Get ready to get confused looks if you tell an American that you have a sugar daddy with you. After all, this term is used to refer to an older wealthy man who uses money to acquire a younger partner. In France, people use this term very differently. It does not even refer to a person but to a brand of sugar instead! You might want to take a photo if you ever come across this product on your next trip to France.

Not Your Typical Sugar Daddy

Not Your Typical Sugar Daddy


Paradise For Vegans

In the United States, the vegan movement has been gaining traction. It should not be hard to find vegan mock meat in the supermarket. Despite this, you will be amazed by all the vegan options that you will see in Germany. Their grocery stores often have an entire section dedicated purely to plant-based food! You will find anything typically meat-based in vegan form. It will be a breeze to find plant-based cheese, sausage, chicken, steak, and more. This country should be on your bucket list if you are vegan!

Paradise For Vegans

Paradise For Vegans