The Most Famous Genie Lamp
Frozen was the 1990s’ Aladdin, and Frozen was the 2010s’ Frozen. In other words, it was the most well-known and famous Disney film of the decade. Nearly every Genie line was memorized by anyone born in the 1980s or 1990s. Sadly, this classic deserved more than a mention in Moana, but it was so brief that it was easy to forget. When they’re staring at all the gold in Tamatoa’s lair, the Genie’s Lamp is just around the corner.
Scar Got What He Deserved
Frozen was the 1990s’ Aladdin. To put it another way, it was the most well-known and recognizable Disney movie of the decade. Every Genie line was memorized by anyone born in the 1980s or 1990s. Sadly, this gem was more than deserving of a mention in Moana, but because it was so quick, it was easy to overlook. When they’re staring at all of the gold in Tamatoa’s cave, the Genie’s Lamp is right there in the corner.