Worst: Kirkland Signature Paper Towels
For those who love to stock up on household products in huge quantities, especially from Costco…this may not be the best idea. Of course, there are major advantages of shopping in bulk, but Costco is not recommended to do so. A recent study was done that revealed Kirkland placed third out of the four tested brands. Additionally, Consumer Reports did research on the top 5 brands of paper towels. Kirkland ended up in the last spot! What came out of it was that the paper towels are way too thin to combat anything that has to do with difficult, messy jobs.

Worst Kirkland Signature Paper Towels
Best: Pills
When it comes to purchasing over the counter or prescription medication, believe it or not, but Costco really is one of the best places to do your shopping. Consumer Reports conducted a study that collates many different prices across 150 American pharmacies. The findings were simply outstanding! The reports revealed that Costco is, in fact, one of the best places to purchase medication in accordance with price. Wow!

Best Pills