Remarkable Female Cosplayers That You Have To See

Published on 10/04/2020


@maweezy is an amazing Filipino cosplayer with 30k Instagram followers. There’s no denying Valkyrie looks amazing. If you look up online, you’ll see she’s making an amazing Bumblebee, Buzz Lightyear, and Harley Quinn. She even joined a panel discussion during the 2019 Awesome Con to discuss this topic: “Begin a Professional Cosplayer” with other cosplayers like Lua Stardust, Mikal Mosley, and Maki Roll. They spoke about the difficulty of negotiating contracts for different conventions, as they are not seen as real talents, but as fillers. Most of these individuals also have full-time employment. Maweezy’s actually a nurse!





Another talented cosplayer is Tanuki Tinka Asai. She portrayed Hellboy’s gender-bent version here. You may not see it in that picture, but it’s down to his cloven hoofs. Besides all the red paint, she added leather accessories to the jacket, making an accessory belt. She admitted that the only comic character she’s a fan of is Hellboy. She did, however, also dress up like other characters. We love her photo series, “Winter Ginger,” which you’ll find on her Facebook page. It’s amazing!

