Cosplay is a portmanteau of the word costume play-performing art in which people called cosplayers to dress in costumes and fashion accessories to represent a particular character. A list of the most outstanding female cosplays has been compiled below-take a look!
Green Lantern
Look at the incredible cosplay of Jessica Cruz. The eyes are unbelievable! We can only imagine looking at them for a very long time. Surfingthevoid made the outfit, whose real name is Priscylla but goes by her alias on Deviant Art. The 23-year-old is described as a comic lover, a movie nerd, and a dreamer. It was done entirely by hand with that green lantern, and the same goes for her makeup.

Green Lantern
We also love this costume created by @enjinight. Talk about an impressive rendition of Superwoman. If she ever begins to shoot lasers out of those peepers, we will be 100% sold. Truly, this is one woman of steel. She must be the best cosplay artist we have ever seen. You will see more of her later in this article!
