Gross Foods Only Baby Boomers Still Think Are Cool

Published on 06/15/2021


Buttermints are a candy similar to Werther’s Original in that they are constantly hidden beneath the pockets of your grandpa’s coat and at the bottom of your mom’s purse as a “little treat” for being a good kid for the day. Kids had to grin and pretend that this candy was anywhere near tasty while silently wishing that their family would have some other candy to offer in the future. We wouldn’t be surprised if Boomers were the only people keeping the buttermint business afloat because you won’t see these on the shelves of Millennial households. They’re too scarred from a childhood of choking them down. They’d rather invest in artisanal chocolates than a weirdly textured combination of butter, salt, peppermint oil, and powdered sugar.




Meat Pâté

We think we’ve saved the best for last! Or worse, depending on how you look at it. Meat pâté really isn’t anything special compared to the other abominations on this list, but it’s still worth discussing due to its heavy gross-out factor. Essentially just pasta stuffed with meat, this food is a Boomer specialty during special holiday cookouts. Fortunately for them but unfortunately for the family, this dish typically goes untouched by anyone below 45. There are ways to make pâté delicious when cooked by the right chef. Still, this pasty loaf needs special attention paid to the forcemeats stuffing it and how often it’s served, otherwise be met with an overabundance of Vitamin A in your system, which can cause liver damage, brain pressure, and changes to your skin, vision, and bones.

Bread With Meat Spread

Meat Pâté