Gross Foods Only Baby Boomers Still Think Are Cool

Published on 06/15/2021

Bud Light

Craft brewing and beer tasting has taken the world by storm in the past few years, as evidenced by all of the new Millennial beer connoisseurs walking around. You won’t catch these folks with a Bud Light in hand because they have an appreciation for the finer things in life. Because Bud Light has “light” in its name, it’s automatically assumed to be better than most other cheap beers. That might be true in terms of health, but my goodness, the taste. They might also slap “flavored with pool water” on the packaging because that’s what it tastes like. On top of its flavor, most light beers are stupidly overpriced, and because it takes more drinks to get you tipsy, you’re not really saving that many calories in the long run. It doesn’t sound like it’s worth the sacrifice!

Alcohol, Liquid, Food Concept Mug Of Beer On A Table

Bud Light


Blue Cheese

Cheese should not be blue. Point blank, period. There’s a reason cheese is always either yellow or orange. Blue? No! Blue cheese is one of the most divisive foods out there, and we think that the line is drawn between Boomers and Millennials. Unfortunately, the appearance isn’t the only disgusting part of blue cheese. This stinky cheese is exactly that: stinky. If you’re able to get past the discoloration caused by literal mold infesting the cheese, try toughing it through the smell. Also, its sharp flavor can instantly turn people away if they’re used to smoother cheeses paired with lightly salted crackers. This food is truly gross.

Blue Cheese Delicious Cheese

Blue Cheese