We Bet You Didn’t Know That These Celebs Were Once Cheerleaders

Published on 01/25/2021


Jersey Shore’s favorite cast member was once a teen on a daily basis. A star began cheering for her school in Marlboro, New York, but it cost her most of her mental health. “Cheerleading was my life in high school, but it wasn’t always easy for me. I started to be anorexic. There were freshmen who were seventy pounds, and I was like, my spot as a flier is going to get taken away. So I ended up starving myself.” recalled Snooki.




Phaedra Parks

Clarke Central High School was in Athens, Georgia, where this Real Housewives star and lawyer began her career. She had all the spunk a cheerleader wants in a red, white, and gold outfit, noticed here. Later on in her adulthood, when she studied law, this fiery spirit was especially beneficial.

Phaedra Parks

Phaedra Parks