Forever 21
We are having a tough time remembering what it was like when teens and young adults did not shop at Forever 21. However, it is pretty disappointing to hear that the fashion retailer wanted to shut down 178 locations before the end of 2019. It applied for bankruptcy, which made its loyal fanbase worry. However, Forever 21 reassured its clients that it is doing whatever they could to ensure that it would have a successful future. Even though the clothing is trendy and cheap, it is not of the best quality. One reason the company is doing so badly is that eco-friendly customers are no longer into fast fashion.

Forever 21
We are aware that people prefer to do their physical goods shopping online nowadays. This also applies to video games! As of late, people are no longer taking the time to drop by a video game store. Instead, they prefer to simply download it from the internet. Gamestop boasts 5,700 locations in 14 countries. However, they announced that they were closing 200 locations in 2019. This happened because the sales witnessed a decline of 14.3% in that year alone.
