They Have A Rigorous Testing Process
For Aldi, the quality of their goods is strictly tested. In fact, test kitchens have strict policies. Before it gets to the store, every product has been tested 30 times. Whenever a rival launches a similar item, they are re-tested at least once a year and again.

They Have A Rigorous Testing Process
Verzicht Is Their Philosophy
What is meant by verzicht? While you will not find a direct translation in English, the word means a combination of “giving up” and “doing without.” When you strive for thriftiness and simplicity, this is a good thing to note. The staff will not tell you this as they are prohibited from speaking to the media, but a regional manager revealed its business plan in a book. The Aldi philosophy, apparently, is to keep things simple. Setting a goal and forgetting the rest is the key!

Verzicht Is Their Philosophy