One of the beautiful faces that grazed the screen was Tippi Hedren. Her grace and elegance haven’t faded even now when she’s in her early 90s. Dakota Johnson, her granddaughter, is another attractive young lady. Tippi’s career took off when she was chosen as Alfred Hitchcock’s muse. She admits that she doesn’t follow any routines. Her nutrition has remained consistent; nothing has altered since she turned 90. Walking around her house or in the backyard would suffice for exercise.

Betty White is another actress who has had a long life and worked in the field for over 80 years. Betty White has reached the age of 98. She had not lost her sense of humor, even at this advanced age. One of the secrets to surviving a long life, we feel, is her sense of humor. When asked what she believes is the key to enjoying a long life, she replied, “Vodka and hotdogs.” On a more serious note, she encourages everyone to live in the now.