Julia Roberts has been in a number of films, and we are all familiar with her face and grin. She is now in her 50s and her skin still has a youthful sheen about it. Wearing sunscreen is an important part of her skincare routine. Her skin has to be exfoliated and her face needs to be washed. Her eating habits are also clean and healthy. She works out and practices yoga on a daily basis to keep her body in shape. We can picture her in an Eat, Pray, and Love moment.

Halle Berry, who is now in her 50s, had a long and illustrious career. She is still the amazing Catwoman that we all adored for the majority of us. Berry recognizes the value of adhering to a skincare routine religiously. She considers self-care to be really important. It’s also crucial for her to get her facial treatments. She works out on a consistent basis. Her diabetes diagnosis, though, isn’t well known. She’s made significant lifestyle adjustments since she was a child, such as cutting processed sugar and bread from her diet.