She Gives A Street Kid $30: Years Later, Someone Knocks On Her Door

Published on 06/08/2023

She Spends Her Money Wisely

After surviving another night in the homeless shelter, I knew I had to spend my last few dollars. But I wasn’t sure what to spend it on.

I wanted so many different things. But since I’d eaten at the homeless shelter and already gotten new clothes, there wasn’t anything I needed now.

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She Spends Her Money Wisely


A Bright Pink Lottery Ticket

“So, I walked through the streets for a while until I got thirsty. And there it was. When I went to pay for my drink at the cashier, I saw a bright pink lottery ticket.

I bought that lottery ticket with my last pennies and quickly tucked it away in a safe place.”

Bildschirmfoto 2023 04 26 Um 20.27.40

A Bright Pink Lottery Ticket