When the High School era comes to an end, a new chapter begins. Last year os high school tends to be more stressful than any other because of the rush, excitement, and worries about sending college applications. The hardest thing is to know what one wants to study. How many times throughout our life we have changed what we thought was our ideal professions? No one is born knowing what to study. It is something that takes time, trial and error, and so on. Many people switch degrees after a year because they realize they don’t like what they thought they would. However, when it comes to psychology, the story is totally different. There are some professions that you are born with, you feel its right for you to study and build your career around that. Psychology is about helping other people by disovering the million different ways in which the human mind works. There are many different paths one can take after studying psychology, but before we need to complete our BA. So which universities offer the best psychology program?

Best Universities To Study Psychology
Stanford University
The School of psychology at this prestigious university was one of the first ones to be established. Not only they have undergraduate programs but also great post-graduate programs to study more in-depth something specific. As at the end of the day psychology is related to many other degrees, the department is connected to other degrees such as law, medicine, biology… to encourage students to explore/learn from other faculties.
Princeton University
Another of the top 10 universities, Princeton has won one Nobel prizewinner and has contributed in many ways to the development of psychology. Their master programs that will open the doors for a Ph.D. are more focuses on neuroscience, cognition, and social psychology.
University of Pennsylvania
The department of psychology at this University was the first psychology school to be established in Nort America. For the lucky undergraduates to study here, the university offers a course in which they teach students how to increase their happiness and well being.
The psychology department of this university is the largest in the UK, having more than 1500 students and 120 teachers. The university also offers 20 different master’s degrees
University of Chicago
The psychology school at this university was founded in 1893. What’s great about this university is that the degree of psychology is connected to other general courses and research opportunities which makes it the main option for many of the students. Throughout the degree, the students will be prepared for the future by participating in workshops, career events, and others. This university is also known for the Ph.D. programs that they offer.
The good thing about psychology is that its so broad that you can end up working with lawyers. For those who love sports, they can become a team psychologist. For the cupids, they can pursue a career in couples therapy. For those who love children, they can be children’s psychology…