Dreading the time of year when exams come around? Studying, Memorizing and further understanding can be a challenge for anyone. These 3 strategies will help you make the most of not only your preparation but optimize your time spent. Working smart rather than hard becomes a beneficial factor specifically in college, due to the large workload. Tackle your study challenges with these 3 strategies below…

Top 3 Study Strategies
Top-Notch Notes
Taking good notes is almost imperative in making learning easy. You can never remember all the information said in lectures so be sure your notes are thorough and in accordance with your Moodle. Sharing notes can also be a good idea as you can see if you missed any particular information. Delegating time to check, rewrite and add to your notes weekly is a great and efficient idea. Be sure to note any ideas the professor may mention as often they may sneakily slip it into a test.
Rhyming And Abbreviating
These methods go hand-in-hand. Making your work easy to remember and as fun, as it can be will certainly change your attention and the way information is processed. Rhyming adds a sense of familiarity and meaning to what you are learning which in turn will allow you to associate better. On the other hand, abbreviating is an easier method and assists in learning processes or specific orders of information. Writing your abbreviations down as soon as you enter an exam room is a good-idea as information may be fresher on the brain.
Separating Similar Subjects
Finding you are mixing similar information? Keeping subjects that may be similar in nature is important for recognition and also helps you feel less confused overall. Allocating specific days to different subjects is a good idea and placing totally opposite subjects one after the other is more beneficial than similar topics one after the other. Thus, delegate different study sessions to your subjects and utilize your time efficiently when doing so- this planning is great for time management too.