The Best Snacks To Indulge In During A Test

Published on 02/17/2020
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The Best Snacks To Indulge In During A Test

Exam questions can be challenging and you may find yourself using all of your energy to solve the questions. While learning and practicing the material is important, making sure you get a good sleep and have something to keep your blood sugar up is equally relevant. You may know the answers backward and forwards, but if you lose your energy and forget everything in the middle, then you’re out of luck! With these brain foods, we’re sure you will ace your exams!

Trail Mix With Dried Fruit

Nuts are filled with protein and healthy fats, but low in carbs. They fuel your body but also keep your fill. Try to stay away from trail mix with chocolate, but ones with plain nuts and dried fruit are great because they won’t make you crash in the middle of the exam. They are also fun to snack on because you can either them individually or grab a handful in your mouth and get a taste of all the different flavors.

Dark Chocolate

Chocoholics will love this one and we do too because dark chocolate is loaded in antioxidants and natural stimulants. It also improves blood flow to the brain and enhances your focus, which is very important for testing time. It also increases mood-boosting endorphins that essentially make you happier! Chocolate= happy so why not?

Greek Yogurt

If you are looking for something that’s going to be more substantial and filling then this one is your go-to. It has more protein than regular yogurt and is also loaded with calcium, which is great for your bones, and probiotics excellent for your stomach. You can even sweeten it with a dash of honey, stevia, or fruit. If you’re looking for some crunch then you can even add some granola to spruce it up.