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We all know what it’s like to wake up in the morning with foggy eyes, messy hair, and a pounding headache. We have a blurry picture of the night before and our mouths are screaming for water. This is the moment we feel like that’s it for us, we’re at the end and there’s no coming back. Lucky for you we have a useful tip to make sure you wake up the next time after going out with less of a painful experience.
This one might seem too easy for you but water is actually your best friend when it comes to hangovers. Drinking a huge class before bed can make sure that you don’t wake up in the morning dehydrated, with a dry mouth and pounding headache. A glass before bed will help avoid the hangover effects in the morning, and a second one, when you wake up, will ensure you’re staying hydrated all day long.
Why Is Water So Helpful?
When you drink alcohol, your body increases the amount of urine is passes. This causes you to lose fluid and results in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. These factors together lead to having a hangover. Knowing this information helps us result in a very useful tip. Water. Staying hydrated can actually prevent or lessen the effects of your hangover. You may think that drinking water between shots or drinks will ruin your buzz, but actually we’re just helping your future self, so make sure to thank us later. You can also try a variety of sports beverages as they are loaded with electrolytes, but there is no actual research on this.
I think we can all agree that having a hangover often takes away the fun of drinking. With this tip, you may have the best night out and still have a productive day afterward. Don’t be stubborn and just give it a chance, we’re only here to help not kill your buzz!