Going to college can be one of the most exciting, yet daunting, experiences of your life. Not only are you going to study a degree in your favorite subject, but you will be living alone, in charge of your finances and living among other like-minded individuals. It is the beginning of adulthood, and as such you need to prepare for exactly that! Nobody will be cooking your meals, nobody will be washing your clothes! Look below for some of the greatest tips for any incoming freshman, they might even save you in a sticky situation! Or simply help you become more efficient!

The Greatest Tips For Anyone Starting College
Actually Go To Class
When you’re on your own, it’s easy to skip class, but there are some really important reasons to go. The first reason is that ditching can lower your grade point average. Some professors keep track of your attendance and factor it into your mark. However, skipping even your large lecture hall classes is a bad idea. Attending class entails learning topics that aren’t covered in your textbook. Even if they don’t take formal attendance, professors have a good idea of who shows up and who doesn’t. Building ties with your lecturers can lead to additional essential career support down the road.
Weekdays Are For Laundry
Doing laundry can be a real pain in the neck. Most people do their laundry on weekends when they have the most spare time, so if you do your laundry during the week, you’ll avoid a lot of headache and competition for machines. Laundry time is a fantastic time to multitask, so plan to finish your schoolwork or read assignments while you’re doing it. Another reason to avoid busy weekend hours is that if you start the washer, leave to do something else, and then return to put your clothes in the dryer, you may discover that they have been left on top of the machine or, worse, in a puddle of bleach.
Ride-Sharing, Splitting
Traveling may be costly and cumbersome… and if your town is off the conventional route, finding a way home without having a car on campus might be even more difficult. Look for ride-share bulletin boards in dining halls or the student union building and hop in a car with someone else going in the same direction. Also, make friends with people who reside in surrounding areas and offer to split gas. What are the odds? In the process, you might even make a good buddy.
Join Clubs
Get out there and make some pals, while you’re at it! Get involved in a club, group, or activity that you enjoy. After a time, sitting in your dorm room becomes tedious. Furthermore, many people develop friends in college who they will have for the rest of their life.
Find people that make you feel like you belong and that you are yourself. In order to battle loneliness and homesickness throughout your first year of college, you’ll need to establish a social network.
Get To Know Your Professors
Professors are the gatekeepers to a successful career. To begin with, asking for help with class content means you are more likely to do well on exams and receive better grades. Professors may also be able to offer you part-time job as part of a research collaboration. They can teach you essential skills and knowledge that aren’t taught in school. Additionally, local employers frequently contact lecturers in search of talented students to hire after graduation. When those employers call, you’ll be more likely to come to mind if you get to know your professor. Also, Professors will mostly certainly be the source of your letters of recommendation. If you’re thinking about going to graduate school, you’ll need letters of recommendation from your teachers as part of your application.
Many people only consider school finance choices when their expenses are about to be due. However, several scholarships, such as the Nitro Scholarship, are offered all year. You’ll also have less competition from other students because you’ll be applying at off-peak hours, giving you a better chance of getting those much-needed funds.
Avoid A Really Serious Relationship
College is a time when you discover more about yourself than at any other point in your life. It’s a good time to think about potential job routes, friends, and hobbies. It’s a good time to go on road trips and meet new people. College students in committed, long-term relationships invest a great amount of time to their significant other, and rightfully so. That time and mental energy, on the other hand, must come from somewhere. You’re less inclined to create new friendships, trying new things, or simply focusing on your own needs when you’re with your partner.